Simple ways to enjoy peppermint in your daily routine

Simple ways to enjoy peppermint in your daily routine
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The refreshingly fragrant peppermint plant is more than just a simple herb. Here are our tips on how you can use peppermint.

If you leave mint to its own, it will spread like wildfire – suddenly the whole garden is full of it, but what can you actually do with mint? With these tips, you can integrate the wonderful versatility of peppermint into your daily life. Whether as a refreshing tea, a natural breath freshener or a delicious snack – the possibilities are endless. Let yourself be inspired by this magical herb and enjoy the many benefits it offers you.

As a classic tea

A classic peppermint tea is not only soothing for the soul, but also good for digestion. Simply place a few fresh or dried peppermint leaves in a cup, pour hot water over them and let the tea steep for about five to ten minutes. This tea can help relieve stomach problems and has a calming effect.

As a natural breath refresher

Instead of reaching for the usual chewing gum or sweets, you can simply use fresh peppermint leaves. Chewing a leaf in your mouth makes your breath smell fresh and is completely natural. It works even when you're on the go and without any artificial additives.

Make your own mint oil

Peppermint oil is easy to make at home and is useful for a variety of purposes. All you need is a handful of fresh peppermint leaves and a neutral carrier oil, such as olive oil. Crush the leaves, put them in a glass jar and top up with the oil. Allow to steep in a dark place for a few weeks before straining. This oil can be used to help headaches by gently massaging it onto the temples, or used as a refreshing footbath.

Pimp your favorite chocolate

Add a special twist to your favorite chocolate by adding chopped peppermint leaves. Melt dark chocolate in a water bath and stir in the peppermint. Pour the mixture into a mold and let it set. The result is a delicate chocolate with a refreshing note – perfect for special occasions or as a small gift. The minty chocolate also looks pretty!

Harvesting and using peppermint

Peppermint is known for spreading readily and generously. With its underground runners, it quickly takes over new ground and gives your garden a touch of vibrancy and freshness. This characteristic makes it easy to always have enough mint on hand. If you want to keep mint under control, it is best to plant it in pots or in defined areas.

Harvesting peppermint is a real pleasure. Simply cut the stems above a pair of leaves so that the plant can continue to grow vigorously. You can use the harvested leaves fresh or dry them to enjoy later. Fresh mint is great in teas, desserts, or as a refreshing garnish for salads and drinks. Dried leaves can be used in teas, potpourri, or even as a natural moth repellent in closets.

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