Grow ginger at home with ease

Grow ginger at home with ease
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It's not difficult to plant ginger, even at home. You only need a few utensils and a little patience. Read on to find out what to watch out for.

Planting ginger on your own windowsill? It's possible – provided you have a little patience. Otherwise, you only need a few utensils to grow your own. We will tell you what you need and what to look out for when planting your own ginger.

What do I need to grow my own ginger?

You don't need much to start planting ginger: just a ginger rhizome, i.e. a ginger root in organic quality that has sprouting buds. Then you need some nutrient-rich potting soil, a planter about 30 centimeters high with drainage holes, a sharp, clean knife, a glass of warm water, and perhaps some plastic wrap.

When should I plant ginger?

The best time to plant ginger is in spring. You can simply go to the supermarket and buy a piece of organic ginger. Make sure that the root has so-called sprouting buds (“eyes”). These are round bumps, sometimes white or green, that poke out of the ginger's bark. Also, make sure that the piece of ginger is as fresh and firm as possible so that it sprouts well.

Cut the ginger into pieces about five centimeters long. Make sure that each piece has at least one sprout. Now place the pieces in a glass of warm water overnight.

How can I plant ginger?

To plant your ginger, fill a pot about 12 inches high with nutrient-rich potting soil. Then place two to three pieces of ginger loosely in the soil so that the eyes face upwards and part of the ginger sticks out of the soil. Then water the soil a little. Be careful not to overwater your ginger, as it will rot. The soil should still be loose and evenly moist. You can also cover the pot with a little cling film to create a warm, humid climate.

Then place the pot in a warm and bright location. Make sure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Now you need to be patient, as it may take some time for the first sprouts to appear.

Planting ginger: When will it be ready to harvest?

Once you have planted your ginger and cared for it for a few months, it will eventually develop into a bamboo-like plant with several shoots that can easily grow to more than 3 foot in height. At some point, these shoots will turn yellow – now you should water the plant only a little and then not at all. You can now harvest your ginger. Either use the whole root or cut it into pieces. If you have remaining pieces with eyes, you can replant them. It's best to use new soil for this.

It's not difficult to plant ginger

If you want to plant your own ginger, you only need a few utensils. It takes a few months for the plants to be ready for harvest, but it's easy to grow them on a windowsill. By the way, potatoes are also easy to plant at home. This way, you can grow your own edible plants without even needing a garden.

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