A clever baking soda trick gets rid of moss in the lawn – here's how it works!

A clever baking soda trick gets rid of moss in the lawn – here's how it works!
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Moss in the lawn – a problem that annoys many homeowners. Fortunately, there is a simple method for quickly getting rid of the pesky weed.

Moss in the lawn is a common problem for gardeners. Fortunately, there is a simple and inexpensive method to get rid of this unwelcome guest. Have you heard of the baking soda trick?

Small islands of moss can quickly spread across your lawn if you don't do something about them. Soon, a thick layer of moss will replace your beautiful, green lawn. That's why it's so important to act quickly and effectively. And you can do that with a very basic household product.

Why does moss appear in lawns?

Moss thrives in shady, moist and acidic soils. It can spread on lawns, in flowerbeds and between pavement joints. The following factors promote moss growth: insufficient sunlight, waterlogging, poor soil aeration, low soil pH, nutrient deficiency (especially nitrogen deficiency), unsuitable seeds, mowing too low or too infrequently.

Simple method: baking soda against moss

With a simple home remedy such as baking soda, you can get rid of moss in your lawn in a cheap and environmentally friendly way.

And this is how it works:

  • Mow the lawn: Cut your lawn to a height of 1.5 inches.
  • Prepare the solution: Dissolve 1/3 cup of baking soda in 2 1/2 gallons of warm water and let the mixture cool.
  • Application: Pour the baking soda solution into a watering can and pour it evenly and in small quantities over the mossy areas.
  • Leave to work: Leave the mixture to work for one to two weeks.
  • Remove moss: Remove the dead moss with a rake.
  • Repeat: Repeat the treatment if necessary.

Baking soda against moss: Caution, there is one risk!

Baking soda and baking powder are NOT suitable as a long-term solution against moss, as they can damage the lawn above a certain dose. Therefore, use this home remedy only in moderation and at longer intervals.

Always a good idea: coffee grounds

A sustainable alternative is to use coffee grounds. These contain valuable nutrients such as nitrogen, which inhibit moss growth and strengthen the lawn at the same time.

This is how it's done:

  • Collecting coffee grounds: Collect the coffee grounds after enjoying your coffee.
  • Allow to dry: Allow the coffee grounds to dry to prevent mold from forming.
  • Use: Sprinkle the dried coffee grounds evenly over the mossy areas of the lawn.
  • Leave to work: Leave the coffee grounds to work for a few days and water if necessary.

Here's how to prevent moss in your lawn

The best way to prevent moss is to take good care of your lawn. This includes regular mowing, proper fertilizing, aerating the soil, watering optimally, and reseeding with suitable seeds in a timely manner.


Baking soda is a budget-friendly and environmentally safe method of getting rid of moss in your lawn. However, you should only use this method occasionally, as it can be too aggressive for the lawn in the long term. Optimal lawn care is the best way to permanently prevent moss and maintain a beautiful, green lawn.

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